International Conference “ENERGETIKA 2022” Struga

Dear associates,

The Association of Energetics of the Republic of North Macedonia invites you to exchange views and experiences in the endless field of energy at the International Conference “ENERGETIKA 2022” from 21-23.09.2022, in Struga. It will be a great pleasure to have your warm presence at Hotel Drim at this Biennial International Conference and you can forward this invitation to your friends and colleagues.

This is the first invitation made in pdf format, with the details about this big event.

ZEMAK, THE ENERGY SOCIETY OF N. MACEDONIA, for the past thirty years since its beginnings, has held a number of one-day two-day consultations, seventeen International Consultations, with representatives from Europe, Asia, the Americas, 18 countries, collections of over 1900 papers.

Two more announcements will follow – invitations with all the necessary information, which you can find on our website

See you in Struga,

Best regards,

М-р Драган Мијалковски, дипл маш. инж. 

Претседател на ЗЕМАК                 

Директор на одржување МАКСТИЛ

моб: ++389 70 276 437


Проф. д-р Вангел Фуштиќ

Претседател на Програмски одбор

Професор на Фак. за електротехника и информациски технологии

Институт за електрични централи и разводни постројки;УКИМ

моб: ++389 70 337 907;
